Welcome to

At the Office of Economic Development, we recognize the significance of economic development in our community. It is essential to ensure the growth and prosperity of our area. Through economic development, we can attract businesses, create more jobs, and improve the quality of life for our residents. Our organization strives to promote and enhance economic development by providing resources, support, and opportunities to businesses and entrepreneurs. We believe that by working together, we can achieve our shared vision for Winner, SD.

Tripp County
Office of Development &
South Central Development Corporation
PO Box 624
Winner, SD 57580
(605) 842-1533
Mike Scott, Executive Director, 605-840-9992
Kelly Meiners, First Fidelity Bank
James Mathis, Mathis Farm Equipment
Denise Higgins, Performance Fitness and Tanning
Craig Schaeffer, Schaeffer and Company
Dan Patmore, Winner True Value
Blake Tideman, Albertson Engineering
Casey Heenan, Winner Circle Feedyard
Brenda Klein, Frontier Motors
John Meyer, Office Products Center
Business Planning
Interested in relocating or expanding your business to Winner or the surrounding area? The Tripp County Office of Development is dedicated to helping new and existing business entrepreneurs streamline the small business development process.
Contact the Tripp County Office of Development at thechamber@gwtc.net or call (605) 842-1533.

Tripp County Revolving Loan Fund
The Tripp County Revolving Loan Fund was created to help business start-ups and expansions within Tripp County. Funds are generally used for down payments, equipment, or some renovations. Loan funds are available to help with "gap" funding and another lending resource along with small business financing as well as local banks.
For more information and applications for the Tripp County Revolving Loan Funds, please contact the Tripp County Office of Development at thechamber@gwtc.net or
call (605) 842-1533.
Tripp County Facade Grants
The Facade Grant Program is geared to assist businesses in improving exterior store front appearances. This can include: paint, windows, awnings or signage. The program is designed to improve store front properties.
Program Guidelines:
The grant is to assist in repairs and improvements to building facades and exteriors with a 50% match up to $1,000 towards total investment.
For more information and applications for the Tripp County Facade Grant, please contact the Tripp County Office of Development at thechamber@gwtc.net or
call (605) 842-1533.
Limited funding is available.

Property Tax Rebate Program
Tripp County offers a 5 year Property Tax Abatement Program for companies that choose to build new facilities.
Year 1- 0% Property Tax
Year 2- 20%
Year 3- 40%
Year 4- 60%
Year 5- 80% of normal rate
More agencies available for assistance
SD Small Business Development Center
Small Business Administration
South Dakota's Governor's Office of Economic Development Resources
SD GOED *has many financing and incentive options*
Areawide Business Council (ABC)