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Tripp County Information
Tripp County Courthouse:
Auditor- 605-842-3727
Clerk of Courts- 605-842-2266
Register of Deeds- 605-842-2208
Sheriff- 605-842-3600 for emergencies call 911
Treasurer- 605-842-1700
Tripp County Extension- 605-842-2858
Veteran's Services- 605-842-1300
Driver's Licensing:
Tripp County Courthouse
Phone: 605-842-2266
200 East 3rd St.
Winner, SD 57580
Testing on Fridays
Vehicle Registration
Tripp County Courthouse
Phone: 605-842-1700
200 East 3rd St.
Winner, SD 57580
CHS, Inc.- 605-842-2711 (propane)
City of Winner- 605-842-2606
GoldenWest- 605-888-7777
Heartland Waste Management- 605-842- 5056
Rosebud Electric- 605-835-9624
Schaeffer & Company, LLC - 605-842-3424 (propane)
Economic Development:
South Central Development
Phone: 605-842-1551
246 S Main St.
PO Box 268
Winner, SD 57580